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Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
I wouldn't worry to much about the losses andRo, sometimes things are a blessing in disguise.

Keep up the good work, you have to take the rough with the smooth.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Not sure if this has been covered but ill post in anyway. Can a team miss Q1 and still be eligible to take part in the Q2 on the Friday?

EDIT Nevermind, I should have read this thread properly, it has already been answered.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
haha that 'Albany Groupie' is gold.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
I'm sure the results will come in a couple of days after the protests etc have been sorted out.

I watched some of the racing on the stream. It was a very interesting race, start was abit iffy but thats just the way it is sometimes, I think with the double file rolling start these problems will always occur, hopefully less as the series progresses.

Regarding the RSR incident, well turn one was abit stupid, but unintentional mistakes do happen (my stupid rejoin in test race for example). RSR are a very good team and the driver Myers has always showed good consistent pace. A moment of madness should not be held against them, hopefully we can all move on from this now.

Congrats to T7R for the win and a big thanks and well done to the NDR team.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Just a selection that I could think of off the top of my head. In no particular order.

Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Damien Rice - O

Coldplay - Parachutes

Radiohead - Kid A

Dr Dre - 2001

Oasis - Definitely Maybe

Kaiser Chiefs - Employment

Moby - Play

Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head

Travis - The Invisible Band
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, . Reason : changed rhcp, that was 1999
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for?
An established racing team, with a fun yet 'professional' attitude towards simracing. My overall aim is to race in some of the 'prestige' leagues that LFS has to offer so I'd like to join a team that can assist me with this ambition.
Old enough
United Kingdom
Preferred Car/Track:
Varies, I like to drive the FOX in pick-up racing (FOX Junkies) but have been driving with the FXR heavily for the past few weeks (GTAL and GTCC). I am happy to learn and drive any car you put me in.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:
Not the fastest but always willing to learn.
How Active Are You?
Again this varies due to commitments at home although I would class myself as active. I normally have a dabble everyday, this increases if I have an event to practice for, then I may never see the light of day.
What Kind of Control do you use?
Logitech G25
Time Zone:
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :
If you are lower than 29 you will be nocked out of the compitition, anybody who are nocked out of bounds will be automaticly stoped from racing in this specific race on the day and will be able to race again. I want to make one thing CLEAR people who have been nocked out of the race due to being lower than 29 on the leader board will not be able to participate for the rest of the season. You are able to sign up for the whole season Approxmitly 20 rounds (Depending on the size of signups) or even just one race.

So positions 1 to 28 will not able to compete in the rest of the races? You should either revise or rephrase that rule.

Thats probably not what you meant. A better way of saying it is, 'If you finish in 30th position you you will be disqualified from competing in the rest of the season'. But that is fundamentally flawed as i doubt you will have 30 drivers every Friday.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
You dont need to be religious to recognise the concept of cause and effect.

Everything we do has the potential to affect others, but the exact effect depends upon how the other person reacts to our actions.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Well at least it will keep the thread bumped so people can read it. Hopefully the people who live in the 'privileged castles safe' may wake up and try do some good. Karma works in many ways.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from wien :WTF does your local Chinese have to do with these videos? I don't think matching skin colour is enough evidence to place blame.

Did you read the full post and the post I wrote before?

I actually said, China is a beautiful country with beautiful people - so please don't try to make it out that i am anti-Chinese or something.

My comment was an example of what I was talking about. By Chinese I meant the Chinese takeaway. It was also meant to be abit humorous. Just a joke. Why do people take stuff so literally.

Quote :Skin some animals to sell their fur or have your family and children starve to death or die of a treatable illness because of lack of money to pay medical bills??

Hmmm hard choice.. which I'm sure all of us if actually faced with would have a completely different opinion on the said activity.

Time to get down off our moral high horses living in our privileged castles safe from harm and free of any kind of want methinks.

Thats not the argument. The argument is about the treatment the animals receive before and while they are being slaughtered. As alot of people have already said, killing for meat or fur is acceptable. The people in videos show total disregard for anything other than themselves. The world would be a very sad place if everyone was like this. Thankfully it isn't.

I think this discussion will just keep going round in circles.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :But what if people were to act on their knee-jerk reaction and actually harm someone? Then should their actions be taken with a pinch of salt too?

There is a big difference between saying something and actually doing it.

Alot of crimes do happen because of 'knee jerk' reactions. Thankfully most people calm down and reassess the situation.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :Oh my got, the hypocrisy in here makes me more sick than those videos. Honestly, if you think it's okay to kill someone for mistreating an animal, you need to grow a whole lot of additional brain and sense. Of course it's not okay to mistreat animals, and it should be punished. But not in a way that's ethically worse than the original wrong.

I believe most of the comments talking about revenge were posted just after they had watched the videos. When I had finished watching the videos I felt like going to the local Chinese and taking a meat cleaver to their neck. This is what we call a knee jerk reaction. I waited until I had calmed down to make my comment. Maybe you should take those comments with a pinch of salt.

Knee Jerk Reaction: 1. an immediate unthinking emotional reaction produced by an event or statement to which the reacting person is highly sensitive; - in persons with strong feelings on a topic, it may be very predictable.

Quote :Also, inhumane treatment of animals isn't something exclusively limited to the Chinese. Animals still get abused in every culture in this world. Yes, even in YOUR one. So no need to get all arrogant and thinking YOU have any moral high ground over anyone else.

Well I know for a fact that in the UK we have laws to protect animals from abuse and cruelty. Yes it may happen, but we have laws which means we are able to prosecute. China doesn't have any laws to protect animals. So yes I can take the moral high ground. Maybe this is why it happens (going back to education). If the laws aren't there in the first place it comes down to your perception of what is right or wrong.

Quote :If you don't like animals to be mistreated, then go vegan, because any animal based product, ranging from honey to leather shoes cannot be produced without some form of animal abuse, with varying severity.
If you find those videos too sickening to bear, just visit your next slaughterhouse. I am sure you will find that experience also very disturbing: the brutal treatment they get from the truck to the area where they wait for death. Pigs witnessing and fully realising the killing of other pigs until it's their turn. The concussing shot on cows heads not knocking it out, so it's throat gets cut while it's concious. Et cetera.
Or the preparation of meals with live animals, like crabs, lobster, snails...

Yes I agree, but that's just how it is. If the choice was, throat slit or skinned alive. I know which one I would choose.

How anyone can condone this brutal and barbaric method is beyond my belief. As said above, It would be far more practical to kill the animal then skin it.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Also the poll options are too brief to warrant a vote.

They should be;

No, if they do it in a humane manor.
No, I don't care about anything other than myself. - put that there for squidhead.
Yes, killing for meat/fur is wrong.
Yes, If they proceed to use the same methods.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
I watched the videos last night but I didn't want to post as I was very upset and angry.

Yeah this really makes me sick, It has been playing on my mind all night.

I totally agree with what Tristan said. If they want to eat them, use fur etc that is fair enough - who am I to judge them. What I don't understand is why can't they do it in a fast and respectfully manor. I really cannot understand the reason for putting anything through unbearable pain like that. The world is one F***** up place. I believe these people get some kind of sick sadistic buzz out of watching these animals suffer - that is where education comes in.

China as a whole, is a beautiful country with beautiful people, but it is the people (in the vids) that bring the whole country down. China should be doing everything in its power to eradicate the problem, but instead they try to close the door. They spend 25billion+ on the Olympics trying to improve their image, but its the basic things like this that causes the western world to have a tainted opinion of them.

And to those who say it is hypocritical of us if we say that it is wrong. Well its not. I'm from the United Kingdom and I know for fact that this is not acceptable here and you would most certainly go to prison. Our methods for the slaughterhouse do not include torturing the animal.

But as said, it's not only China.

Quote :oh BOO fckn HOO... it clearly has been happening before you saw it and will be happening after you'll see it. Get over it, don't waste your breath

squidhead - I don't know why I waste my time saying this but you really are senseless and immature. Maybe you should worry less about your ego, and worry more about the world you live in. One day those words may come back and bite you in the arse (no pun intended). Grow up son.

Lets just pray that God does exist. Damnation is in store for the perpetrators. - if you want to make a difference this is a good place to start.
Last edited by Scott Mckenzie, .
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Another nice one, Thanks Aid
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Perfect. Thanks iFastLT

Browny points for Deadline in the GT Series. jk'in
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Hello. Can someone make me a render for this skin:

We need (well not need, but would like) to include it in a news article that we are writing about the GTAL.

Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Are you sure its not your connection? We've had races on AlienServe servers with 20+ drivers and have not had any issues.

nice new logo you have there.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Great new additions.

Rui, I can't recommend highly enough. A very respectful and talented driver. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Fletcher yet. I look forward to seeing you both on Sunday evening.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Have fun. Why is that image so low quality?
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Edited for you


Thursday evening would be the best weeknight for me, although running through the procedure on Saturday wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll keep my eyes open for an announcement if you decide to go ahead with it.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Did you ask Vilante to use his skin ??.

My fault for not keeping Vilante's copyright on the skin. I deleted the layer whilst adding the new logos. I'll get the copyright layer again and add it to the skin.
Scott Mckenzie
S2 licensed
Can we do some rolling start practice before the race? I think it would be good practice for those of us who have never done anything like this before.

I think we'd just need a SC driver (preferably a NDR driver) and 10 or so drivers. You could announce this as a 'official practice' session, that should get the numbers up. We could run qualifying using the test race specifications, go into a rolling start and then a 10+ lap race.